ZENIT—The World Seen From Rome – 8-2-12

Sexual Content in the Movies

 Risky Behavior, Pregnancy and Diseases

ROME, AUG. 2, 2012 (Zenit.org).- The media really does influence adolescents’ behavior and early exposure to sexual content in the movies leads them to commence sexual activity at an earlier age and to take more risks.

This was the conclusion of a study just published in the journal Psychological Science, titled “Greater Exposure to Sexual Content in Popular Movies Predicts Earlier Sexual Debut and Increased Sexual Risk Taking.”

It started by noting how it is documented that the media influences adolescent behavior in such areas as alcohol and tobacco use, but that less is known about its impact on sexual behavior.

Starting sexual activity at an earlier age is associated with a greater number of partners and an increased risk of sexually transmitted diseases. More than 9 million new cases of sexual diseases occur annually among adolescents in the United States, the paper observed.

“Popular movies provide adolescents with a wealth of sexual exposure, much of which may promote risk behaviors,” the authors commented.

They cited a survey that looked at movies released from 1950 to 2006. It showed that more than 84% contained some sexual content. In addition the survey found that the level of sexual explicitness of PG-13 and R-rated movies has increased in the past decade.

Not only are adolescents influenced by what they see, but one survey found that 57% of those aged 14-16 use the media as a primary source of sexual information.

The study published in Psychological Science looked at movie sexual exposure (MVE) in those aged under 16. A longitudinal study was carried out over the period June 2003 to October 2009.

It consisted in a random telephone survey of 6,522 adolescents, aged 10 to 14. After the initial contact they were followed up three subsequent times.

They found that higher exposure to explicit sexual content was an accurate predictor of riskier sexual behavior. The authors said that this study confirms previous ones and also found that this exposure, “has a lasting influence on risky sexual behaviors in adulthood.”

Reducing adolescent’s viewing of sexually explicit content “would delay their sexual debut and also reduce their engagement in risky sexual behaviors later in life,” they concluded.

TEXT to Save Our Religious Freedom

Help Save Our Religious Freedom

Text “Freedom” to 377377

to defend your right to live your faith. 

As Catholics we are constantly called to live out our faith in our daily lives. In our charities, we comfort the sick, feed the hungry, care for the poor, and protect life. In the marketplace, our values guide us. We strive everywhere to practice what we preach. 

Across America, our right to live out our faith is being threatened – from Washington forcing Catholic institutions to provide services that contradict our beliefs, to state governments prohibiting our charities from serving the most vulnerable. And around the world, it’s even worse – Catholics face persecution and even death for their witness. 

These rights are fundamental. They belong to each and every human being. We cannot let them be trampled. We cannot remain silent. 

Please join the movement to protect our right to live out our faith. Sign up to learn how you can help save our religious freedom. 

Text “Freedom” to 377377 

Or visit www.Fortnight4Freedom.org

Announcing a Human Concerns Ministry Fair – Sept 22-23

Just a heads up for September 22-23. We will need your asistance to meet our committment and help in recruiting new members.

Subject: Announcing a Human Concerns Ministry Fair

 Dear worker in the vineyard of the Lord,

 Human Concerns will be distributing a ministry booklet the weekend of September 15/16. The following weekend of September 22/23 we will be hosting a ministry fair out in front of the church (in event of rain it will be in MPH at the school). This will be an opportunity to show case all of our Human Concerns ministries. 

 In this regard we hope to accomplish three things: first is to show the many good works the parish is involved in;  second people get to see where their donations go when they support these ministries with the Human Concerns envelope:  third encourage folks to volunteer.  

 We will have pop up canopies with tables set up under them so our various ministries can set up a display (which may simply be a sign with the ministry name and someone to answer questions and you can get more complicated from there). 

 Additionally, we will have Helium Balloons, Candy, Donuts and coffee and the Knights will host a Voter registration to help encourage parishioners to linger after Mass. Perhaps the parish nurses will host a blood pressure check for the day? 

 To make this work we need to come together to put some effort into it.  We will have speakers to begin each Mass talking about a particular ministry for two minutes.  If you would like to give a talk about your ministry let me know which Mass you would like to speak at.  I do not think we need every ministry at every Mass. 

 Let me know which Mass you would like to be at to have part of a table with a sign saying which ministry you are with and answer questions.  We will have ministry booklets for folks to sign up or you may decide to have a simple sign-up sheet with you on the table.  If you have other volunteers you can be at more Masses or even every Mass if you like.  I want to make this as user friendly as possible.

 If you have a pop up canopy we can borrow let me know.  We will need them dropped off the week before because if I do not have enough I will have to rent some.  Just tape your name and phone # on one of the legs.


Mass – 5:30 Sat





Name of Speaker          
Names of volunteers at table          

Do you have a pop up canopy we can use? _____ Yes    _____ No

Will you be able to help with set up Saturday Sept 22 at noon? _____ Yes    _____ No

Will you be able to help with take down Sunday Sept 23 at 6:30? _____ Yes    _____ No

 Thanks for your help in making our community rich in faith, hope and charity.

 Peace, Paul Amrhein

Director for Human Concerns and Pastoral Care

St. Bridget Church, Richmond, VA

(804) 525.7902


THE 24-HOUR ST. BRIDGET KNIGHT – Charity, Unity, Fraternity, Patriotism

 Being a member of the Knights of Columbus is not a time-consuming undertaking. As a member in the Knights, we are asking for 24 hours of your time each year in the following manner: 

  • 12 hours a year reading the weekly church bulletin, the state & local council newsletters & the monthly Supreme Council magazine, COLUMBIA.
  • 2 hours a year volunteering at a council event of your interest
  • 2 hours a year attending two council prayer services with your family
  • 2 hours a year on a council sponsored family project or event
  • 2 hours a year attending one council meeting
  • 4 hours a year attending a council social function with your family

For info find us at, www.knightsofcolumbus-council5476.com

Contact  G. Alan Serafim at: council5476@gmail.com

This information has been attached to Council 5476 web page under “Membership”.

A Suggestion from Brother Joseph DeVincentis

Regarding the Virginia Catholic Conference

 Perhaps something from the Virginia Catholic Conference can be included on our web site.  My “letter” mentioned below was sent by the Conference on my behalf.  If such a letter is sent by EACH Council member, some positive action may take place.  All this is in keeping with the messages from the US Bishop Conference and the Vatican.

 If you go to the VA Catholic Conference web site, http://www.vacatholic.org/   you may be able to get their message etc. to be placed on our web site for use by our Knights – not only of our Council but others as well!



Sample Letter

Sent: Wednesday, August 8, 2012 7:19:49 AM
Subject: Support Respect for Rights of Conscience Act

Thank you for using VA Catholic Conference Mail System.

Message sent to the following recipients:
Representative Cantor
Senator Warner
Senator Webb
Message text follows:

Joseph DeVincentis
75 West Square Dr
Richmond, VA 23238-6158

August 8, 2012

[recipient address was inserted here]

Dear [recipient name was inserted here],

Please support and work for the enactment of the Respect for Rights of
Conscience Act (H.R. 1179, S. 1467) this year.

As of August 1, the Administration’s contraceptive mandate went into
effect for most employers. This mandate requires most health plans to
cover sterilization and contraceptives, including drugs that can cause an
abortion, even when employers and employees have moral or religious


Joseph DeVincentis


LINKS From the VA Catholic Conf. Website:

Catholic Dioceses in Virginia

Diocesan Newspapers

State Catholic Conferences

Other Catholic Links

Government Links

Bishop’s Cup Invitational Golf Tournament – October 8th

Bishop’s Cup Invitational Golf Tournament

Join us for the inaugural Bishop’s Cup Invitational Golf Tournament!

For Information and Registration information go to: http://hrccrichmond.org/hrcc/golf.ashx   

Date & Time
Monday, October 8, 2012
7:00 a.m. Registration Begins (continental breakfast)
8:30 a.m. Tee Time (shot gun start)
1:00 p.m. Luncheon and Awards
Format: Captian’s Choice

Independence Golf Course
600 Founders Bridge Blvd, Midlothian, VA 23113


  • Bishop’s Cup Trophy for 1st Place Parish Team
  • Tournament prizes for 1st thru 3rd place teams
  • Hole-in-one (2012 Volvo C30)
  • Longest drive (Men & Women)
  • Closest to the pin (Men & Women)
  • Prize Drawings and Give-Aways
  • “Meet the Challenge” donations of $5, $10, $15, $20
  • Mulligans: $5.00/ea (limit 2 per player)
  • 50/50 cash prize

 Contact People


Thank you for your continued announcements of the Bishops Invitational Golf Tournament

This golf tournament is a yearly event hosted and organized by Holy Rosary Church and Fr. David Stanfill. The winning Parish team will hold the Bishop Cup Trophy for the following year until and if another Parish succeeds in winning the next year. Hopefully this will create a little friendly competition among the golfers from all the Parishes.

The proceeds from the tournament will be used to support the elderly, disabled and disadvantaged of The Church Hill and East End communities as well as Holy Rosary parishioners.

Be there or miss out on the Shot Gun start by the Bishop!

Thank you, Sincerely, Tom Keys and Fr. David

ZENIT—The World Seen From Rome 8-3-12

Pontiff Calls Catholic Men to Defense of Religious Freedom

 Message to Knights of Columbus Notes ‘Unprecedented Gravity’ of New Threats

 VATICAN CITY, AUG. 3, 2012 (Zenit.org).- A papal message to the Knights of Columbus lauds the men’s group for their work in helping the Catholic community to respond at this time “when concerted efforts are being made to redefine and restrict the exercise of the right to religious freedom.”

This was part of the encouragement sent to the Knights by Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Pope’s secretary of state, on the Holy Father’s behalf. The message, dated July 19, is on the occasion of the Knights’ 130th Supreme Convention, which will be held next week.

“The theme of this year’s Supreme Convention – Proclaim Liberty Throughout All the Land – evokes not only the great biblical ideals of freedom and justice which shaped the founding of the United States of America, but also the responsibility of each new generation to preserve, defend and advance those great ideals in its own day,” the papal message stated. “At a time when concerted efforts are being made to redefine and restrict the exercise of the right to religious freedom, the Knights of Columbus have worked tirelessly to help the Catholic community recognize and respond to the unprecedented gravity of these new threats to the Church’s liberty and public moral witness. 

“By defending the right of all religious believers, as individual citizens and in their institutions, to work responsibly in shaping a democratic society inspired by their deepest beliefs, values and aspirations, your Order has proudly lived up to the high religious and patriotic principles which inspired its founding.”

Lay mission:

The Pope suggested that the current challenges are proof of “the decisive importance of the Catholic laity for the advancement of the Church’s mission in today’s rapidly changing social context.”

The message cited what the Holy Father told a group of US bishops in Rome earlier this year, that “the demands of the new evangelization and the defense of the Church’s freedom in our day call for ‘an engaged, articulate and well-formed Catholic laity endowed with a strong critical sense vis-a-vis the dominant culture and with the courage to counter a reductive secularism which would delegitimize the Church’s participation in public debate about the issues which are determining the future of American society.'”

In this context, the Pontiff called on the Knights of Columbus to “reinforce the praiseworthy programs of continuing catechetical and spiritual formation which have long been a hallmark of your Order.”

“Each Knight,” he said, “in fidelity to his baptismal promises, is pledged to bear daily witness

 Full text: www.zenit.org/article-35309?l=english

Parish Pancake Breakfast – Help Needed

Hello Friends & Knights of Columbus!

  As most of you know Saint Bridget Church will be having a Parish Pancake Breakfast on Sunday September 16, from 8:30 AM until 11:30 AM. The event will be held in Mother Presentation Hall (MPH-the school gym).  There is much to be done with only a few weeks left to prepare.

  You are receiving this notice because your help is needed.  In order to make this event a smooth success we will need many volunteers to help serve, cook, set-up, clean up, escort people to MPH, sell tickets….and so much more.  While our fellowship committee is awesome, we cannot do it all.

  So please save the date, decide how you can help, and recruit others to help as well!

  Please let me know if you have any questions.  I look forward to hearing from you.

 Many thanks, Maria Morrison (804) 354-6010

[Sounds like a super recruiting opportunity for the KofC.  Perhaps small business-card size recruiting cards can be handed out to the parish men that are present]