Help Needed this Weekend! 2/1 thru 2/2/14



This is a big weekend for Knight activities



As you know we will be cooking chili this Saturday for our annual Super Bowl Chili sales event. Dale and Alan have done a ton of work so far but need our help to make this a success.


If you have ANY time Saturday, please come by and give us a hand. A couple of additional volunteers will make this pretty easy.



As we will be will be selling after each Mass, please stick around for a couple of minutes at the sales desk to help with the order pick ups.


We will also be hosting our monthly donut reception after the 9 and 11 Masses so help there is appreciated



Another reminder for those who offered to help with the Scout Mass Reception after Saturday Mass, give us a hand either before the Mass for set-up or stick around to serve our young Scouts after their Annual Mass.



Last but not least, we will be opening our spaces for the game Sunday evening. If you want to join please come and bring a friend if you wish. Alan and Dale will have our chili there as well as our usual assortment of refreshments to watch the game!!! Should be a great place to be for the game.


While our Council endeavors to serve our Parish more and more, we want to also take time to celebrate our fellowship as Brother Knights for more social events like this.


Hope to see you this weekend. Wear your nametag if you have it.




Paul Kitchen



Council 5476 Super Bowl Chili Sales Update



Our pre-order phase collected 56 quarts of sales from Saturday evening to Sunday evening.  We did receive one order on our temp phone line and one order via email.


Please continue your advertising by word of mouth and email forwarding to reach those who may not have reviewed the bulletin, heard the mass announcements or are not members of St. Bridget’s community.


We’ll have the ability to increase total supply this year if we get good indications demand will be higher.


Next steps are Alan’s cooking setup which he will advise us later this week.  The general plan is to make the batch on Saturday morning.  Volunteers are needed but a big crew is not required.  If you can jump in, please reply and let me know what hours you can be available.


Thank you for your efforts so far and your pre-event orders.


Be on the look-out for information on our Flash Super Bowl party to be held in our Council space.  Chili will be provide along with beverages and other side dishes.

Request for Help – Saturday After Mass 2/1/14

After Mas Reception for the Annual Scout Mass; Council 5476 help needed


We have been asked to help with an after Mass reception this Saturday for the Boy Scouts after their annual Scout Mass event.


Brothers – The parents will be bringing the food and drinks. We have offered to set up the tables and be the hosts (ala Donut Sunday) so the Scouts and parents can socialize afterward.


This is a relatively easy opportunity to get visibility in our service to the Parish and may well be a recruitment opportunity.


If those who attend Saturday mass or would be interested in attending or helping, please let me know. I plan on helping.


Respond yea or ney so I know that you received this email

The Council’s Super Bowl Chili Sale

Brother Knights,


The Council’s Super Bowl Chili Sale begins today with the start up of pre-ordering by any prospective customer.  Attached you will find a PDF file of the flyer that is inserted in this weekend’s bulletin providing details.  The bottom of the paper serves as a tear off with customer information.  We won’t take cash this weekend and don’t encourage checks, however, an envelope will be under the box to collect any checks if customers insist on writing them immediately.  The last person to touch the envelope after each mass is asked to place the envelope in the kitchen refrig.  We’ll collect it asap after 5pm Sunday mass.


There are 1,200 flyers in the church bulleting so consider if you will any other prospects who may not get or read the bulletins.  The PDF file has a hyperlink to an email order box.


Starting with Saturday evening mass, a table is setup in the commons with a box to collect customers’ written orders.  One volunteer is needed after each mass to answer any questions and build anticipation of another great batch prepared by Alan and a crack team next weekend.


In addition to the flyer, I have setup an email account to receive orders:  The phone number provided on the flyer is my home number and I adjusted by voice mail to include an announcement that callers will hear to know they are in the right place to leave a voice order.


If you will, please send a note back if your are taking a turn after masses this weekend to be present at the sales table.  The volunteer cook and sales team for next weekend is forming up soon.


Best Regards,


Topics Worth Your Time & Consideration 1/23/14

Mike shares a couple of links:

1. Article from Obama’s comments regarding Roe v. Wade – See Below


President Obama issued a statement today to mark the forty-first anniversary ofRoe v. Wade. A mere paragraph long, it contains enough euphemism, evasion, and outright falsehood to serve simultaneously as a model of dissimulation and concision.

1. “We” — The statement begins by saying “as we reflect” on Roe “we recommit ourselves to the decision’s guiding principle.” But who is this we? Obama issues his statement in his official capacity as head of state, but America is sorely divided. By a generous measure, only 53 percent of Americans support Roe. When Obama pledges his rhetorical “we” to the principle of Roe, he elides one half of the nation he leads.

2. “Her body” — The President says that “every woman should be able to make her own choices about her body and her health.” This statement would certainly be true (given a few broad caveats) if he did not mean by it that one person should be able to dismantle the body and destroy the health of another.

3. “Safe, affordable health care” — For abortion to be safe, it would have to not be directed at the death of a child; for it to be affordable, it would have to not come at the cost of a life; for it to be health care, it would have to not violate theHippocratic oath. This may be one lie or three—it’s hard to keep count.

4. “Right to privacy” — There can be no right to the taking of an innocent life. Nor can there be anything private about it for a society that believes securing rights to be a matter of the public good.

5. “Reproductive freedom” — There is no debate over the freedom of reproduction, only over the freedom of destruction.

6. “Unintended pregnancy” — What is meant here, of course, is an unintended child. But in any case, the idea that life is legitimate only when it is the product of our intentions—that everything should be perfectly “planned”—is at once impossible and perverse, a sociological error reflecting a theological mistake.

7. “Child health” — President Obama’s purported support for child health runs counter to his continuing, unrepented opposition to laws banning infanticide—an opposition that distinguishes him not only from abortion opponents but from most abortion supporters as well.

8. “This is a country where everyone deserves the same freedom and opportunities to fulfill their dreams.” — This is indeed such a country, as is every other. Why then, Mr. President, do you continue to stand in the way of the very weakest realizing the equal freedom you so blithely invoke?

Here’s the statement in full:

Today, as we reflect on the 41st anniversary of the Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade, we recommit ourselves to the decision’s guiding principle: that every woman should be able to make her own choices about her body and her health. We reaffirm our steadfast commitment to protecting a woman’s access to safe, affordable health care and her constitutional right to privacy, including the right to reproductive freedom. And we resolve to reduce the number of unintended pregnancies, support maternal and child health, and continue to build safe and healthy communities for all our children. Because this is a country where everyone deserves the same freedom and opportunities to fulfill their dreams.


2. Fox News Coverage of the March for Life



Thank you!

Fun & Fellowship – Annual Fish Fry 3/14/14

St Bridget Parish Annual

Lenten Fish Fry

March 14, 2014 from 5 to 8 PM

In Mother Presentation Hall

Brought to you by

Knights of Columbus Council 5476


  • Fried or Baked White Fish
  • Macaroni and Cheese
  • Cole Slaw
  • Potato Salad
  • Corn
  • Dinner Roll
  • Cake and Sherbet
  • Soft Drinks
  • Adult Beverages – Beer & Wine (at reasonable costs)


Tickets sold after Mass, via E-giving, and through the church office.

Adults – $10 per person (wine & beer not included)

Children under 12 years – $5 each

SBCC Pancake Breakfast 2/9/14

Sir Knights:

Our Council is helping with the annual pancake breakfast on Sunday 2/9 at Mother Presentation Hall.

The breakfast is from 8:30-11:30 and we need to help cook pancakes for the breakfast.  Mark Sweeney with Shoney’s is helping with the sausage and the service team at St. Bridget’s is helping with transition and serving.


I would like to divide this into two teams to help with the cooking.


Please respond as to which time/Team you can give us some of your time for this well attended event.


Team 1   7:30 AM


Team 2   9:30 AM




Paul Kitchen