Knights of Columbus Fourth Degree Exemplification Saturday, November 11, 2017

Knights of Columbus Fourth Degree Exemplification Saturday, November 11, 2017


Location: Renaissance Portsmouth-Norfolk Waterfront Hotel

425 Water Street

Portsmouth, VA 23704

Hotel Reservations:

To make reservations, please use the special website:

Book your group rate for K.O.C. 4TH DEGREE EXEMPLIFICATION

You may also call (757) 673-3050

Note the early cutoff date for reservations is October 9, 2017. The rate is $119.00 per room plus tax.


Candidates must be a Third Degree Knight in good standing. All applications (Form 4) for non-U.S. citizens must be reviewed by the Master once they are approved by the Assembly. To facilitate the process, you may send an electronic copy, not the original application.

Candidates requiring special arrangements are to be identified when their application is submitted. Special needs include diabetics, candidates in wheel chairs, etc. We will make special arrangements for them to take the Degree, if necessary. The Assembly must escort those with special needs to the antechamber and stay with them until they are ready to be moved into the Exemplification Chamber.


The candidate fee is $70.00, which is set by Supreme. This fee includes the candidate’s banquet ticket, Fourth Degree Pin, certificate, and processing fees. All fees are to be paid to the local Assembly.

Fourth Degree Dress Code:

Candidates for the 4th Degree are no longer required to wear a black tuxedo. Candidates may wear a dark black, grey, or blue suit with a plain white shirt and basic/conservative style tie. Both jacket and pants must be dark in color. Brown, green, or other color suits are not authorized. Active duty Military may wear their Class A or dress uniform. Policemen and Firemen may wear their dress uniform.

4th Degree Sir Knights attending the Exemplification as observers may wear dark black, grey, or blue suit with a plain white shirt and basic/conservative style tie. Both jacket and pants must be dark in color. Brown, green, or other color suits are not authorized. They may also wear the new 4th Degree Uniform. Active duty Military may wear their Class A or dress uniform. Policemen and Firemen may wear their dress uniform.

Candidates should be in possession of their 3rd Degree membership cards. All observers attending the Exemplification will need to present current 3rd and 4th Degree membership cards. Honorary and Honorary Life membership cards are not acceptable for admittance to the Exemplification.


The cost for Priests is $60.00 which includes their pin, certificate, and banquet ticket. I recommend that Assemblies pay the cost for their Priests. All Priests and Deacons attending the Exemplification are invited to assist at the Mass if their schedules permit. However, they must bring their own alb and stole with them. Please let me know if any Priests would like to concelebrate and if there are any Deacons who will be assisting. Knights of Columbus Fourth Degree Exemplification Saturday, November 11, 2017

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Cost: $65.00 per Guest ticket. The cost of additional banquet tickets is also to be paid to the local Assembly. The banquet will be a Chef’s Special Selection. Please indicate any special dietary restrictions such as vegetarian or gluten free requirements.

Ladies Program:

Cost: $35.00, includes lunch, entertainment, and program. All tickets are to be purchased through the local Assembly. Please indicate any special dietary restrictions such as vegetarian or gluten free requirements.

Cancellation Policy for all Events: No refunds AFTER November 1, 2017.

Exemplification Memorial Mass:

Our Exemplification Memorial Mass will be held on Saturday prior to the banquet. This Mass fulfills your Sunday obligation.

Schedule of Events: Day Time Event
Friday Late Afternoon/Evening Hospitality Rooms open; Check times of operation
Saturday 9:00 AM Escort Practice: all Navigators
Saturday No later than 11:15 AM Candidates report to antechamber
Saturday 11:30 AM *** Ladies Program
Saturday 12:00 Noon Exemplification
Saturday 4:30 PM *** Mass — all Hospitality rooms will close 30 minutes before Mass and remain closed during Mass and during the Banquet
Saturday 7:00 PM *** Doors open for banquet

Bingo at the Veteran’s Hospital on Sunday November 5

October 14, 2017

Msgr. Francis Byrne Council #5476

Grand Knight Richard Witty

Your Council is scheduled to sponsor Bingo at the Veteran’s Hospital on Sunday November 5, 2017. Bingo starts at 3:00 PM and ends at 4:00 PM. The Bingo games are conducted at the hospital’s Multipurpose Room. Bingo workers should arrive no later than 2:30 PM. Please park in section 11A.

The Council should provide between 8 and 12 workers. The workers may be Knights, wives, adult children or friends. This is a good opportunity to introduce candidates for membership into the Knights of Columbus. It is also a good means of bringing straying members back into the Council.

The Council should provide five or six liter bottles of assorted soft drinks (2 diet cola, 1 diet sprite, 1 regular cola,  1 orange, cakes and or cookies for about 60 players, two large bags of potato chips, two bags of pretzels, one bag of corn curls and one pound of coffee.

The Bingo game prizes are books of canteen coupons. The canteen books are obtained by mailing or delivering a check for $150.00, AT LEAST TWO (2) WEEKS IN ADVANCE to:

Hunter Holmes McGuire Medical Center

Attention: Recreational Services, Kim Jones

1201 Broad Rock Boulevard

Richmond, VA 23249

Any questions, call Ms. Kim Jones @ (804) 675-6908

The check should be made out to:



Ad Gloriam Dei

Steve Layne, FDD

Knights of Columbus Representative of VAVS